Saturday, February 11, 2012

I cant fucking sleep!

So, right now I am in Glenwood. And I CANT SLEEP.  AT ALL. Its fucking -8 degrees out and Im freezing. Well, not that I'm like, sleeping outside or anything... but it's still beyond cold in here. I need a cuddle buddy /: And also I only get 2g mobile internet here which means I can't even watch Netflix on my phone. So that's why I decided to blog xD

I think another reason I can't sleep is because I'm really excited for today! I can't wait to get up and drink some warm coffee and have breakfast! And then we will probably go into town after that and pick up some Bacardi Limon from the Grog Shop because me and my dad kinda polished it off last night... XD And then I need to go pick up a few things and I want to see the new hardware store they built up here. Yes, I actually want to go look at the hardware store and see what they have.. thats what happens when your dads owned a hardware store your whole life.

And also, tomorrow is the Chili Cook off! I LOVE being part of that.  It's so much fun because my family goes ALL OUT.  We pick a theme and then we decorate out booth accordingly and we dress up to fit our theme. This year is sports theme and were trying to raise money for Jack Jablonski. So were all going to put on some sort of sports Jersey and then serve our chili. I'm so excited I love being part of that.
And then when we get done with  the Chili cook off we will probably have dinner at Lakeside like we usually do and then go back to the house, start a fire and have some drinks.. and maybe sneak a few cigs with my aunt (;

I just really want it to be 8... then someone will be up and I wont be so bored! Or 6:45... Cause then Zane gets up and I can text him! Speaking of Zane... I fucking love him! He's the best boyfriend I've ever had (:

Speaking of boys... I really don't fucking understand some of them. Like Matt for example. Like, okay... So he's apparently liked me for years now. And during this last summer me and him got very close and we ended up kissing all the time... Even though he has a girlfriend... And you think that if he REALLY wanted to be with me hr would have broken up with her but did he? No. Cause he's stupid. So now that I have a boyfriend he won't talk to me.  He won't even give me the time of day... Like what the fuck... He has no reason to be mad at me. If anything I should be the one mad at him!  Ugh....... Whatever. I just don't understand at all.

K my fingers hurt... Bye!