Monday, December 5, 2011

Venting #18- Waiting

Okay so I am so so so so excited I just had to blog about this before I fell asleep! I probably won't even be able to fall asleep!

So, today I talked to my dad and asked him If I could go see Reese on Saturday for a week and he said yes and so did Reese's parents!!! :D So this week I need to get all caught up in school, clean the house spotless, clean my room, do all my laundry... which is a lot, and then pack! (: So I leave late Saturday night and I get there at like 5am on Sunday and Zane is going to come pick me up along with Reese and Tucker! And I just know I'll get the BIGGEST hug ever from Reese, she'll probably tackle hug me to the ground xD And Zane said he was going to give me a biiig kiss and carry me out to his car hehehe, I'm excited! :D I've been waiting for almost 6 months to kiss him (: And then we're going to go out for a double date breakfast. I can't wait to see them, they make me feel so loved and wanted <3

And we're going to take lots of pictures and do lots of cuddling and have so much fun! I love them sooooo so much <33

Okay, well... I'm going to attempt to sleep now. Goodnight (:

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