Sunday, October 2, 2011

Venting #5 -My Dad

I really love my dad a lot. More then anyone on this Earth. And I really love spending time with him and it makes me really sad and upset when I never can because of his stupid girlfriends. They can seriously all go live on Venus because then maybe I'll actually get to see my dad for more then 20 minutes a day. I'm just so mad I'm crying. Like seriously... I was supposed to have a fire and listen to the football game with him but no... Rhea decides to come over even though he already told her no twice. So fuck her. So of course now I'm all alone, crying. Fucking bitch. And it might not seem like a big deal but it is to me. I NEVER get to see my dad cause he works 12 hours almost everyday and if he has a free SECOND she hogs it up. So now them two are out by the fire. They came to join me but i dont wanna fucking sit out there with her and listen to her stupid comments and her "Im going north, south, east, west... In a diagonal!" Or 

"So did you guys like go out for breakfast before the wedding? What did you have pancakes?"
"No..." (Obviously not.. we had to drive an hour to get there and be there by 11 and we had to get ready before hand)
"Oh! So did you have waffles then?"
"No... We didnt go out"
"Im confused... what did you have then?"


I've had it.

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