Thursday, October 27, 2011

Venting #9- Impatience

Well today..or I guess yesterday, I actually had a decent day I got up early and hung out with my dad and George, and then I made some pancakes, and discovered my new love and that would be the show "Extreme Couponing" that show is insane, and I want to do that too! But then I got mega tired cause I was tossing and turning all night so i took a 2 hour nap and then I got up and cleaned a little and then watched some more Extreme Couponing and then Emily came home! I was so excited because I love Emily a lot! And then Adam and Joey stopped by and that made me happy cause I freaking love them! And THEN while Emily and my dad were gone at church Tom texted me and said "Im at target do you want anything?" And I was like "An Icee!" but I was kidding cause there was zero percent need to get me something but he did anyways, and he came over and dropped it off and gave me a kiss! Haha so it was a really good day (:

But anyways, Okay, so... I was really tired tonight so I fell asleep at like 10 and then woke up at 1:00 to 8 texts and 2 missed calls... whoops sorry! And then I watched an episode of "All Grown Up" to fall asleep to but it was a Christmas episode! So now I'm like obsessing over Christmas! I've been up for the last 2 hours listening to Christmas music and wishing it would start snowing haha xD And now I'm watching "The Santa Clause 2" I feel like a freak because I am so so so in love with Christmas time!

Here are some of my favorite things about Christmas Time:

1. Being with my family, because I don't really get to be that often.
2. Listening to Christmas Music. Oh my goodness I love Christmas music! My favorite 3 songs I think are "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas", "I'll be home for Christmas", and "Last Christmas"
3.Drinking hot chocolate! I make hot chocolate with 2% or Whole milk because it makes it that much richer and I add a splash of a vanilla and some cinnamon on top with marshmallows (: <3
4. Egg Nog! I could drink that stuff by the gallon! Oh my gosh.
5. Christmas Shopping! Some people hate it cause the stores are so crowded and gross but I love it because everyone is so cheerful and happy and they might not even realize it. And I love how malls decorate for Christmas. Do you see them decorate for any other holiday? Fuck no! Thats just cause Christmas is so Awesome!
6. Jesus was born on Christmas and a lot of people forget that's the reason we celebrate Christmas. But I'm very proud of my family because every year we sing Happy Birthday to him on Christmas and we always have our advent candles and that means a lot to myself and my family.
7. Putting up the Christmas Tree. I like putting up live Trees because it makes your house smell awesome and I love decorating it, I take hours and hours putting up decorations and listening to Christmas songs.
8. Almost every year, on the last day they play Christmas songs on the radio, me and my dad sit up until midnight (thats what time the songs end) and write down the last 5 songs they play.
9. Watching Christmas movies. My 2 absolute favorite movies to watch are "National Lampoons: Christmas Vacation" I think its the funniest movie ever, I can quote over half the movie. And "Deck the Halls" But I usually end up watching "A Christmas Carol" with my dad because that is his favorite movie. Oh! And I like the "Santa Clause" movies, 1-3 (:
10. Watching the snowfall<3 I think snow is absolutely beautiful. My favorite times is when its been snowing outside for a while and the snow just sparkles in the moonlight. And I have a street light on the corner so it just lights up the street perfectly and makes the snow look beautiful.
11. Putting up my Christmas village. I collect village pieces and it takes me about 2 days to put up my village perfectly.

Here are my Christmas Fantasies or dreams, I guess, that I would love to happen someday:

1. Waking up to find a puppy with a big red ribbon under the tree <3
2. Getting kissed under the Mistletoe <3
3. Having someone take me in a horse drawn carriage while its snowing <3
4. Getting engaged on Christmas morning <3 That would be perfect.
5. Take me for a Winter Walk down a lighted path <3
6. Fall in love so I can spend Christmas with them <333
7. Have kids and my own little family that I can share Christmas with <3

Haha so yeah! That my huge giant rant about Christmas. I just had to blog about it... lawl. Cause I'm super obsessing right now, like, HARDCORE. As I said earlier. But, now I guess I shall actually pay attention to my movie and try to fall asleep or I'm going to be tired as heck tomorrow!

OHHH! I FORGOT! Tomorrow I'm going to my mom's house to carve pumpkins, I'm pretty stoked about that too!

But, yeah..
59 days until Christmas <33333 Yes!

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