Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Venting #11- Love

Love is the weirdest thing ever. It really just confuses the crap out of me. One day I think I'm in love but then the next day I'm like, "No fuck that! Love sucks" and then other days I'm just dying to be in love. And today, I'm dying to be in love. I miss it so much. I miss being able to kiss and hold someone. I want someone to make me feel like no one else can. Someone to make me feel so loved and so special, and someone that is so romantic and takes me on surprise dates and whispers sweet things into my ear. Holds my hand when I least expect it. Kisses me when we're fighting. Gives me butterflies every moment I'm with them. Holds me when I cry. And someone to take care of me.

And I mean.. there's a few guys I could date right now. But, I don't want to date people just to date them. I want that feeling where if I didn't have them I feel like I might just die. I want to date someone that I feel like I can't be without, and that I have that warm fuzzy feeling when I'm with them. Someone I IMMEDIATELY have strong feelings for. I can't remember the last time I felt like that. But I want to again, so so so bad. Romantic movies make me so sad... Its like WHY CAN'T THAT HAPPEN TO ME?!?! Ugh... I watched the Last Song tonight and that movie is SO cute. She met him when she least expected to, he takes care of her, kisses her when they fight, takes care of her brother, carves their names into a tree, sits in the back of his truck and talk, writes "forever" on her shoe, dances with her, playfully has a mud fight with her.. Oh my gosh, PERFECT. I'm just so ready to find that one person I want to spend the rest of my life with because I'm just ready to be in love and be happy everyday.

I'm sick of being lonely and being stuck at my house most of the time. I miss love. And for once I just want someone to take care of me for a change. Someone to put me to sleep, someone to shut off the lights and lock the doors for me, someone to carry me to bed when I'm tired. Someone to tell me everything will be okay because they will never leave me. Someone to wake me up in the mornings. Someone that actually wants to go to the pumpkin patch or apple orchard or the movies or something, someone that would actually plan dates for us sometimes. Someone that loves my Sister or Dad as much as I do.

I know it seems like I'm asking for a lot. But I just want someone to be there for me and take care of me and love me unconditionally forever. And I hope I can find someone like that soon.

So, that's about all.
Oh, and btw... This is my favorite song at the moment. I love the lyrics, music video, and overall message of it <3

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